1. Equipment entry acceptance requirements
(1) The random file is complete.
(2) The equipment components should match the contents of the packing list.
(3) The appearance of the equipment should not have any obvious damage.
2. Acceptance requirements for civil engineering handover inspection
(1) The internal structure and layout of the computer room (if any) and the shaft civil engineering (steel frame) must comply with the requirements of the elevator civil engineering layout plan. The minimum clearance size of the shaft should be consistent with the requirements of the civil engineering layout plan. The shaft wall should be vertical, and the allowable deviation value for the minimum clearance size using the vertical method is: for shafts with elevator travel height ≤ 30m, 0~+25mm; Shaft with a travel height of 30m<elevator ≤ 60m, 0~+35mm; Shaft with a travel height of 60m<elevator ≤ 90m, 0~+50mm; The elevator shaft with a travel height greater than 90m meets the requirements of the civil engineering layout plan.
(2) When there is a space accessible to personnel under the wellbore pit and there is no safety clamp device on the counterweight (or balance weight), the counterweight buffer must be able to be installed (or the lower part of the balance weight operating area must be) on a solid pile pier that extends all the way to a solid ground.
(3) Before installing the elevator, all reserved holes in the hall doors must be equipped with safety protection enclosures (safety protection doors) with a height of not less than 1200mm, and sufficient strength should be ensured. The lower part of the protective enclosure should have a skirting board with a height of not less than 100mm, and it should be opened left and right, and cannot be opened up and down.
For example, the safety protection enclosure should extend upwards from the bottom of the reserved hole on the floor door to a height of not less than 1200mm. It should be made of wooden or metal materials and should be a removable structure. To prevent other personnel from moving or overturning it, it should be connected to the building. The materials, structure, and strength of the safety enclosure should comply with the relevant requirements of the "Technical Code for Safety of High Altitude Operations in Building Construction" JGJ 80-2016.
(4) When the distance between the adjacent door sills is greater than 11m, a shaft safety door must be installed between them. The shaft safety door is strictly prohibited from opening into the shaft and must be equipped with an electrical safety device that allows the elevator to operate only when the safety door is closed. When there are safety doors for mutual rescue between adjacent cars, this provision may not be implemented.
(5) The computer room and pit should have good anti-seepage and leak proof protection, and there should be no accumulated water in the pit.
(6) The main power supply should adopt TN-S system, and the switch should be able to cut off the maximum current of the elevator under normal use. For elevators with machine rooms, the switch should be easily accessible from the personnel in the machine room. For elevators without machine rooms, the switch should be located outside the shaft where workers can easily access it, and necessary safety protection should be provided. The grounding resistance value of the grounding device in the computer room should not exceed 40.
(7) Fixed electrical lighting should be installed in the computer room (if any), with a ground illumination of not less than 2001x. A switch or similar device should be installed at an appropriate height near the population to control the lighting power supply.
(8) Permanent electrical lighting should be installed in the shaft, and the lighting voltage in the shaft should be 36V safe voltage. The illuminance in the shaft should not be less than 50k. Control switches should be installed in the machine room and pit at the highest and lowest M05m points of the shaft.
(9) The floor of the pit under the car buffer support should be able to withstand a full load
Multiple parallel and relative elevators should be lifted
(10) Each floor should have a final completed benchmark mark.